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Daniel Gustav Cramer

Maria Karantzi

Kostas Roussakis

Maria Tzanakou

Myrto Xanthopoulou


Curated by: Galini Notti

Opening: Wednesday 23.01.2013

23.01.2013 – 03.02.2013

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3 137 invites for the first time a young independent curator. We are very happy to welcome Galini Notti and the group show ...

The exhibition ... confronts the way in which we address the other and what is being addressed. Whether it be our corresponding to a condition, internal or external, negotiating a situation or uttering a reaction. ... explores the potential of communication, expression or silence and the possibility of making sense.

Ellipsis indicates something unsaid following something expressed, something that goes without saying, something left to be completed, something lost. In the exhibition ellipsis acts as a metaphor for the part left open to the viewer.

Written and visual language are employed here to explore the form and content of an address to the other. Some works in the show are based on text while others incorporate text and image. Yet words become visual, constitute and contain thoughts and images, evoke other words and other pictures. Both text and image in ... constitute a sort of record. The discourse of the works is either literal, metaphorical, political or personal. Their tone varies from aphoristic to interrogative. By phrasing a statement or a question, a certainty or a doubt, the works express a request while seeking for a receiver, a response, a reaction. Their expression is suspended; they refer to something that remains to be completed, something that remains to be done. They are open-ended and create a field for dialogue. They are monologues that invite a conversation, call for the enactment of a space which is external, public, physical as well as internal, private or imaginary.

The coexistence of the works does not compose a narrative. ... is a collection of excerpts, poems, slogans, statements, letters and images which take different forms and have different origins. As ellipsis indicates an empty space left to be occupied, the works create a space which contains them, but also contains the other. 

Photography: Mariza Nikolaou