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Do robots dream, dad?
Are robots scared, mom?

Workshop for kids 9-12 years old
with Kyriaki Goni

Saturday 15 December 2018,
11.00 - 13.00

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A creative workshop about the meeting of man with machines. Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, it surrounds us and enters our everyday life more and more. How would we describe our meeting with it? Is there a shape or a format we can give it? Are there predispositions and prejudices? How do children imagine artificial intelligence? How would they design it? What features would they give it? What kind of sound? What kind of color? What kind of moves? Can we imagine a kind of communication between man and machines?

A creative workshop which gives the chance to the kids to bridge art with artificial intelligence, critical design with imagination and aims to play with this as well as to cultivate critical thinking about those issues.